Lake Powell is at 34.13% of capacity with below-average inflows and dam releases below the minimum requirement as of May 28, 2024.
Tag: Glen Canyon Dam
The US Bureau of Reclamation warns of risks to Glen Canyon Dam's water release system if Lake Powell's water level drops too low.
Plan released on removing predatory fish below Glen Canyon Dam
The Bureau of Reclamation is exploring dam adjustments to curb nonnative fish, enhancing the Colorado River's ecology by possibly altering water release schedules. Public comments are solicited.
Plan to address Colorado River Basin water shortages released
Reclamation's draft plan aims to tackle water shortages in Colorado River Basin, potentially revising guidelines for Glen Canyon and Hoover Dams operations.
Public comments requested on invasive fish at Glen Canyon Dam
The Bureau of Reclamation is seeking comments on its draft environmental assessment regarding invasive smallmouth bass in the Colorado River at Glen Canyon Dam.
It comes down to seniority, says California about Colorado River
Six of the seven Colorado River Basin states have submitted a "consensus-based modeling alternative" to save the river, but California is holding out due to its senior rights.