Arizona congressional delegation seeks Colorado River meeting
Arizona delegation seeks urgent federal action to resolve stalled Colorado River talks, emphasizing equitable long-term solutions amid historic drought.
Arizona congressional delegation seeks Colorado River meeting
Arizona delegation seeks urgent federal action to resolve stalled Colorado River talks, emphasizing equitable long-term solutions amid historic drought.
Political battles over hydropower, conservation funding, and land protections shape the future of the Colorado River Basin.
Drought tightens its grip on the Colorado River Basin as dry conditions persist. Snowpack shortages and low reservoirs raise serious water supply concerns.
Colorado River states struggle with drought, policy delays, and legal threats as negotiations stall over shrinking water resources.
The Colorado River Basin faces worsening drought, shrinking reservoirs, and low snowpack, threatening water supplies for millions across seven states.
Upper Colorado River shortages leave farmers, tribes struggling
The Upper Colorado River Commission reveals through real-life stories that shortages are forcing farmers, ranchers, and tribes to make tough choices as water supplies drop, impacting communities and...