President Biden vetoed a Congressional action to nullify the recently-finalized Waters of the US rule last week, but the fight is not over.
Tag: Clean Water Act
The final rule on waters of the U.S. announced last year is not the last word, with three major federal lawsuits and Congressional legislation all challenging the scope of the rule.
The final Waters of the U.S. rule will become effective 60 days after publication in the Federal Register, raising concerns by groundwater and farming groups about expanding federal jurisdiction.
The Supreme Court will consider whether the federal government have the right to regulate wetlands under Waters of the US.
New Mexico Tribes Sue EPA Over Trump Clean Water Act Rule Changes
The Pueblo of Laguna and Pueblo of Jemez of New Mexico are suing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over federal rules regarding streams and waterways.
Critics say ‘more efficient’ Clean Water Act reviews may result in increased municipal burdens
The Trump administration prides itself on deregulation, but when it comes to the federal approval process involving the nation's water, critics say that Trump's "more efficient" process will mean...