Learn about water, get a discount on smart irrigation controller
One of Arizona's largest water providers is offering free water conservation workshops in July. Participants are eligible for discounts on smart irrigation regulators.
Learn about water, get a discount on smart irrigation controller
One of Arizona's largest water providers is offering free water conservation workshops in July. Participants are eligible for discounts on smart irrigation regulators.
An unusual La Niña pattern will result in more drought in the southwest. The event is expected to continue for the third year in a row.
Donors can help Arizona Game and Fish deliver water to wildlife
Despite a healthy monsoon season, Arizona is still in a drought. The Game and Fish Department, which does not receive general tax funds, delivers water to remote areas throughout the state, serving...
California marks largest tidal habitat restoration in history
California’s Lookout Slough Tidal Habitat Restoration and Flood Improvement Project in Solano County is the largest project of its kind in the state’s history. Fish, habitat, flood protection and...
A new judicial rule creates the appointment of at least three water judges in Utah, who will be versed in the complexities of water law.
New Mexico's Environment Department has made public commenting much easier, launching an easy-to-use web portal.