The Klamath Irrigation District has ceased its water deliveries, after first threatening to defy federal orders. Given the harm to its farmers who rely on irrigation water deliveries, the Board will...
Category: Water News
With no one else stepping up to the plate to leave water in Lake Mead, the City of Tucson is reversing course and ordering its full CAP entitlement.
Upper Klamath Lake diversions ended, threatening crops and farms
The Bureau of Reclamation announced that diversions of Upper Klamath Lake water will end for the irrigation season, putting in jeopardy the production of row crops by farms that rely on the water.
Over $300 million infrastructure funds for water reuse projects allocated
The Bureau of Reclamation announced the allocation of over $300 million in infrastructure funding for water reuse projects this week. The selected projects will advance drought resilience and are...
La Nina forecasts not encouraging for Colorado River basin states
It's rare that La Nina happens three years in a row, but it's quite possible for 2022-2023. That's not good news for the Colorado River Basin states that are grappling with drought.
2023 cuts announced for Colorado River system, Arizona hit hard
The Interior Department announced reductions in Colorado River entitlements today, and Arizona was hit the hardest, losing 21% of its entitlement. The upper basin states and California saw no...