The Department of the Interior proposes the Public Lands Rule to guide balanced management, improve resilience, conserve habitats, and support responsible development.
Category: Water News
Nevada lawmakers introduce legislation that could limit residential use, buy back over-appropriated rights, and use science for groundwater decisions.
A California farm's on-farm recharge method conserves water by flooding fields, replenishing groundwater, and inspiring new policies to benefit agriculture.
Facing flooding, county issues advice for septic and well systems
With flood damage to roads, wells and septic systems, an Arizona county has advice for homeowners on how to protect their domestic wells and septic systems.
California governor asks for presidential disaster declaration
CA Gov. Newsom has requested a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration for 9 counties hit by severe storms. The state's disaster relief programs are ongoing.
Senators ask for funding to save recreational access to Lake Mead
The local economy associated with the Lake Mead National Recreation Area has been hit hard by the drought. Senators are requesting funds to address the problem.