Wyoming unveils video to aid lead service line inventory

Wyoming launches a video to educate residents about lead service lines and help water providers complete a mandatory inventory for the EPA.
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  • New video helps residents learn about their water service line.
  • Initiative part of a nationwide effort to identify and compile an inventory of service line material types.
  • Mandatory submissions to the EPA due by Oct. 16.
  • Wyoming Lead Service Line Project website includes a survey for water customers.
  • EPA proposal requires water systems to replace lead service lines within 10 years.

August 26, 2024 — The Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investments and the Wyoming Department of Environmental QualityOpens in a new tab. have launched a new videoOpens in a new tab. to help residents learn about their water service lines and how to assist their local water utility in completing a statewide survey. This initiative is part of a larger nationwide effort to protect public health from the negative effects of lead by identifying and compiling an inventory of service line material types.

EPA Deadline and Website Resources.

These initial inventories are mandatory submissions to the Environmental Protection Agency and are due by October 16.  The Wyoming Lead Service Line Project websiteOpens in a new tab. offers resources for water customers and water providers to aid in this process. The website features a survey for water customers to determine the type of water service line they have in their homes and information about lead service lines. Additionally, the site provides resources to help water systems participate in the Wyoming Lead Service Line Project.

EPA Proposal for Nationwide Lead Service Line Replacement.

On November 30, 2023, the Environmental Protection Agency proposed strengthening its Lead and Copper Rule, requiring water systems nationwide to replace lead service lines within ten years. This proposal also includes additional improvements to protect public health, such as lowering the lead action level and enhancing sampling protocols used by water systems.


Since 1995, Deborah has owned and operated LegalTech LLC with a focus on water rights. Before moving to Arizona in 1986, she worked as a quality control analyst for Honeywell and in commercial real estate, both in Texas. She learned about Arizona's water rights from the late and great attorney Michael Brophy of Ryley, Carlock & Applewhite. Her side interests are writing (and reading), Wordpress programming and much more.

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Ivy B
Ivy B
August 26, 2024 4:08 pm
Another great website; The Wyoming Lead Service Line Project website. It is simple, easy to read and understand and I love the interactive survey. I think it is a unique & creative website. I hope it gets the user traffic it will need to combat the lead pipe situation.

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