Peak Water Sustainability Engine launched by University of Utah

University of Utah's Peak Water Sustainability Engine aims to lead in water research, uniting disciplines to address global challenges.
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  • University of Utah unveils Peak Water Sustainability Engine to advance water research and technology.
  • Initiative aims to foster interdisciplinary research and partnerships across sectors.
  • Peak Water will address critical water challenges, including climate change, pollution, and water scarcity.

April 9, 2024 — In a move to combat the pressing global water crisis, the University of UtahOpens in a new tab. has announced the launch of its Peak Water Sustainability EngineOpens in a new tab.. This innovative research hub aims to unify efforts across various disciplines, engaging faculty, communities, governments, and industry leaders to tackle water-related challenges. With water being a critical element of life and a central subject of research at the university, this initiative marks a pivotal step towards sustainable water management and policy development.

A Holistic Approach to Water Sustainability.

Under the leadership of Dr. Jakob Jensen, Associate Vice President for Research, and Dr. Marian Rice, Associate Director, Peak Water is set to drive forward-thinking research on water innovation and technology. The engine’s focus is on the intricate interconnections within ecosystems, ranging from mountain research stations to urban water bodies and the Great Salt Lake.

“The name Peak Water underscores the relationship between mountains, waterways, and groundwater in our region,” said Dr. JensenOpens in a new tab.. “In the Intermountain West, it is difficult to untangle mountain science and water science. What happens to one typically influences the other.”Dr. Jensen highlights the inseparable link between mountain and water science, emphasizing the region’s dependency on these interconnected systems for water sustainability.”

Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Community Engagement.

The University of Utah is well-known for its comprehensive expertise in water systems. With the creation of Peak Water, the institution aims to cement its position as a global leader in water research and policy. Dr. Brenda Bowen, a prominent professor in geology and geophysics, points out the critical need for holistic water system management, particularly in light of the Great Salt Lake crisis. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and community engagement, Peak Water intends to address the multifaceted challenges posed by climate change, increasing population demands, pollution, and heightened fire risks.

Dr. Rice, with her extensive background in water management and policy, is set to lead the engine towards developing a robust leadership structure, organizing water-focused events, and securing funding for research endeavors. Her vision for Peak Water is to support interdisciplinary research and facilitate partnerships within a diverse water community, encompassing academia, policymakers, professionals, and non-profit organizations.

 A Vision for Sustainable Water Futures.

The launch of Peak Water signifies a collective stride towards understanding and mitigating the complexities of water management in a changing climate. By examining water resources through a holistic lens, the University of Utah aims to inform sustainable practices that meet current needs without compromising future generations. With dedicated leadership and a clear focus on innovation and governance, Peak Water is intends to lead the quest for global water sustainability.


Red U on the University of Utah campus, Salt Lake City, Utah, USAOpens in a new tab.. May 2014 by Daderot and released under public domain dedication.


Since 1995, Deborah has owned and operated LegalTech LLC with a focus on water rights. Before moving to Arizona in 1986, she worked as a quality control analyst for Honeywell and in commercial real estate, both in Texas. She learned about Arizona's water rights from the late and great attorney Michael Brophy of Ryley, Carlock & Applewhite. Her side interests are writing (and reading), Wordpress programming and much more.

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