June 19, 2023 — The monsoon season officially began on June 15. In the Southwest, monsoon season is associated with a shift in wind patterns that blow tropical air toward typically desert locations.
Arizona: A Drier Forecast Ahead.
Arizona’s monsoon season is predicted to be drier than usual with temperatures climbing above average, according to Arizona’s Public Broadcasting Service.
California: Preparing for the Threat of Debris Flows.
Southern California faces a different challenge during the monsoon. Fox 5 warns that bouts of heavy rain often lead to flash flooding in the region. This becomes worrisome in areas scarred by wildfires, often referred to as “burn scars.” According to the National Weather Service (NWS), the soil in these regions, having been scorched by wildfires, becomes as impervious to water as pavement. This can lead to chaotic and dangerous situations during periods of high intensity, short-duration rainfall, particularly in areas with steep slopes. NWS warns of debris flow
s, where gravity-driven masses of residual debris can hurtle down at speeds up to 100 mph, causing destruction in their path. Such risks remain, NWS notes, even two years after a wildfire, emphasizing the need for preparedness in these vulnerable areas.
New Mexico: Persisting Trend of Weak Monsoons.
In New Mexico, the prognosis for the monsoon season is bleak. The Farmington Daily Times cites a recent report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center. The forecast for June, July, and August suggests that most of the state will experience above-average temperatures and below-average rainfall, continuing the trend of weak monsoons that have marked the 21st century. On a more positive note, the report also suggests that the western two-thirds of New Mexico has received sufficient moisture over the last year to significantly alleviate the drought conditions that have been persistent for years.
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