On a statewide level, Utah’s reservoirs are at about 65% capacity, according to Fox 13.
Facing another dry year, water conservation — and in particular, cutting back — is going to be essential. This means cutting back on outdoor water use by using xeriscaping, for instance, and cutting indoor uses by ten percent. The Utah Division of Water Resources
offers information on how to conserve water in the semi-arid state.
Deseret News reports that “California, Utah and other Western states face a scary wildfire season.” Fire responders in Utah are already in “preparation mode.”
The European Space Agency (ESA) has published satellite photos of Lake Powell, situated on the Utah and Arizona border.  The series of photos shows the drastic decrease in water levels since the year 2000. “After decades of drought, water levels in Lake Powell, the second-largest human made reservoir in the United States, have shrunk to its lowest level since it was created more than 50 years ago, threatening millions of people who rely on its water supply,” ESA writes
. The ESA expects that drought conditions are going to get worse.
Reservoir fill levels can be checked on an interactive map.
Image Source and Description.
Archway in Moab, Utah (August 2020). By Brooke Ramos and shared on Wikimedia Commons.
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